Walls of Fame | All Souls St Gabriels School

Walls of Fame

Over the years, all of us have heard of some of our past students' great achievements in their lives after school, and there is a significant number who have given great service to the School. The past student body, the All Souls St Gabriels Past Students Association Inc. feels that it is now time to give formal recognition to such achievement and service. In order to do this, the Association has established the "ASSG Walls of Fame".

First and foremost, we will recognise those past students who have given great service to the School and shown so much passion and dedication to its well-being. Every one of us could quite easily come up with a list of such worthy candidates. Those selected will then be inducted into our "Walls of Fame" at each annual reunion. It is not envisaged that we come up with a complete list, and that is the end of the exercise. Each year we will induct only a small number of candidates.

Secondly, we will also acknowledge select past students who have made outstanding achievements in their chosen field. They may have had little or no contact with the school

since leaving, but by virtue of their great achievements, deserve to be recognised, e.g. a great surgeon, someone in the arts or a talented sportsperson. They then become a page in our "Brag Book". Then others neither served the School nor achieved outstandingly in their chosen field but gave dedicated service to their community or a worthy cause. These people could also be recognised in this category. This group represents achievement and service other than to the School.

All past students of the school are eligible (when the schools were separate and when they amalgamated). Awards can naturally be made posthumously. Nominees who are not recognised one year can be renominated in the following years.

Past students are to nominate candidates and nominations must be received by June in the year of nomination. Each nomination must be seconded by a past student and be accompanied by significant written support about the nominee.

The Management Committee of the Association, with the power to co-opt, will decide on who will receive the awards and their decision is final.

Each year at our Annual Reunion, a select few will be inducted into our "Walls of Fame". A visual presentation will be unveiled, and the awardees will be presented with a replica of the wall visual. These "Walls of Fame" will become a centre of attention and an interesting part of our history. They will be located at the School’s museum.

Walls of Fame Recipients

Daniel Kelly AM (Humanitarian)
Nina Tooth (Kenyon) (Volunteer for the St Gabriel’s School Old Girls’ Association)

Major General Clifford Griffiths
Glynnis Gay Taylor

Prudence Alice Clarke (OAM)
Dr Patricia Pepper

David Elliott
Dr Barry Bignell

Josephine Abaijah
Michael Roderick

Professor David Wakeham (Achievement)

Kipling Uiari (Achievement & Service)

Dr Peter Wakeford (Achievement and Service)
Colin Milson (Service)

Shirley Butcher (Achievement)

Dr Sam Mellick
Gordon Griffiths
The Dalrymple Team
The Richmond Team

Jim Harman (Service)
Bill Marsden (Achievement)

Jim Rebgetz (Service)
Betty Zillman (Service)

Don Roderick (Achievement)
Monty Morris (Service)

Joyce Berryman (Achievement)
Kev Burry (Service)
Rowena Hart (Service)
Andrew Symonds (Achievement)

Dr Jock Allingham (Service)
Peter Coaldrake (Achievement)
Elna Kerswell (Service)

  1. Download a Nomination Form (below) or contact the Secretary.
  2. All Nomination Forms and the accompanying written support to be sent to the Secretary by the end of April.
  3. The Management Committee will meet to decide upon the successful candidates.
  4. The successful candidates will be contacted, and they will be publicly announced.
  5. The induction will take place at the Reunion Dinner.

Nomination Form can be found HERE.

For further information, please contact the Secretary of the Association.

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