Horse Club | All Souls St Gabriels School

Horse Club

Our Horse Club is an active group of interested students. Membership may be restricted due to the amount of land available at the school to run horses.

A part-time instructor oversees the group's operation. Students tend to their horses and practise after school and attend events, including at the Charters Towers Pony Club (located next to our paddocks) and other venues.

We strongly recommend that students do not have a horse at school during the first semester of boarding for two major reasons:

  • Students need time to find their feet in boarding without the responsibility of looking after a horse.
  • Some members discover they enjoy other school activities such as sport and music and have less time than expected to dedicate to their horse's care, choosing to enjoy their riding as an "at home" experience.

Day students who have their own horse are also active members of our Horse Club.

Horses on Campus Information Letter

Horse Club Handbook & Permission Form

Horse Health Biosecurity Declaration Form

Medical Form

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