The Arts | All Souls St Gabriels School

The Arts

All Souls St Gabriels School continues to expand its offerings in the Arts. Instrumental tuition in a wide number of instruments, as well as voice, is provided for all interested students. A number of instrumental ensembles from small ensembles to Stage and Concert Bands perform regularly alongside choirs and vocal ensembles. Drama and musical performances are staged from time to time and the School makes a major contribution to the Charters Towers Eisteddfod as well as State Honours Ensemble Programs (SHEP).

Students interested in learning about or developing their skills in the Visual Arts can now be involved with Less Talk More Art, held weekly after school. Artworks created are displayed in exhibitions within the Charters Towers and Townsville community. Our staff also seek out cross-curricular learning opportunities where students can apply visual skills to real world situations.

Instrumental Music Lessons

Instrumental Lessons Term 1 Week 4

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